There are three main domains that can be the focus of education: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. The Cognitive Domain concerns learning objectives that deal with the recognition and recall of knowledge, as well as, the development of skills and intellectual abilities. The Psychomotor Domain concerns motor skills and manipulation of physical objects, while the Affective Domain concerns changes in values, attitudes and interest along with appreciations.

The primary focus of Shosys Academy is the Cognitive Domain, as each of the six hierarchically arranged modules (and the textbooks or  video lessons associated with them) concerns a different behavior associated with recall and recognition of musical specifics, ways and universals – across four different learning levels. However, the Psychomotor Domain is addressed in Shosys Academy in the form of piano lessons: students can contact Kelvin Sholar for training on the piano in classical and jazz styles of music. Testimonials can be read about the quality of piano lessons. The cost of piano lessons are 40$ / 33€ per half hour and they are either held online or personally. The registration process is the same; the student can click the enroll now button below and be taken to a page where lessons can be booked immediately.